Spring 2021 – Fordham Now https://now.fordham.edu The official news site for Fordham University. Fri, 09 Oct 2020 11:55:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://now.fordham.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/favicon.png Spring 2021 – Fordham Now https://now.fordham.edu 32 32 232360065 Academic Calendar for Spring 2021 | Office of the Provost | October 8, 2020 https://now.fordham.edu/university-news/academic-calendar-for-spring-2021-office-of-the-provost-october-8-2020/ Fri, 09 Oct 2020 11:55:25 +0000 https://news.fordham.sitecare.pro/?p=141488 Dear Members of the Fordham Community,

Thank you for your patience and understanding through the fall semester, as Fordham has had to adapt all of its programs, activities, and policies to protect the health and safety of the community. Fordham has been able to limit the spread of the virus on our Rose Hill and Lincoln Center campuses through comprehensive mitigation strategies, daily screening and periodic testing for COVID-19, and prompt quarantining of those who have come into close contact with infected individuals. We are grateful for the vigilance of the Fordham community, and particularly the role that our students have played in containing the virus by looking out for each other and honoring the COVID-19 protocols.

In anticipation of a national resurgence of the COVID pandemic this winter, Fordham has decided to modify its academic calendar for the spring 2021 semester. These changes will affect all students in Arts & Sciences and in the Gabelli School of Business. Deans of the other graduate/professional schools (School of Law, Graduate School of Education, Graduate School of Social Service, Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education, and the School of Professional and Continuing Studies) will be communicating their specific spring calendars directly to their students. I hope that the following information will be helpful in your planning for the upcoming semester.

  • The first day of class for FCRH, FCLC, GSB, and GSAS students will be February 1, 2021 – 13 days later than previously scheduled, so as to reduce the risk of viral spread during the winter season.
  • Students will continue to have the option this spring to live on or near campus and take courses offered in-person or through online or hybrid modalities. Alternatively, students can choose to live in a remote location and take all their classes virtually.
  • Students who enter New York from designated states or countries are currently required by New York state to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival. (UPDATE 11/5: The University’s policies have changed in accordance with New York state’s new policy.)
    • If such students plan to come on campus starting February 1 to engage in in-person course components, they will need to begin their quarantine period off-campus two weeks in advance.
    • Alternatively, such students could choose to engage in their classes virtually for the first two weeks of the semester, quarantine off campus from February 1-14, and begin coming on campus during the week of February 15. If a residential student chooses to quarantine off campus during the first two weeks of February, their room & board charges will be prorated to reflect a February 15 move-in date.
  • Spring break will be cancelled out of concern for the heightened risk of viral transmission concomitant with out-of-state travel, as well as to make up for the lost class days due to the delayed start of the semester.
  • Fordham will observe only three University holidays during the Spring semester:
    • Presidents’ Day (February 15)
    • A mid-semester break day (March 10)
    • Good Friday (April 2)
  • Reading days (May 6-7), Finals (May 10-17), and Commencement (May 22) are unchanged on the calendar.
  • If at any point during the spring semester, the public health conditions do not permit Fordham to safely offer in-person instruction and services, the University will pivot to virtual offerings until it is prudent once again to offer in-person activities.

Modifications to the spring 2021 calendar were made after careful consideration of the need to balance instructional days and fulfill accreditation norms, and after consultation with the Council of Deans, University Calendar Committee, President’s Cabinet, and leadership from the Faculty Senate and United Student Government. In the first week of November, students will be able to search for spring courses in Banner and view the modality (in-person, hybrid, or online) in which they will be offered. Academic advisors will help students build a class schedule that meets their personal and curricular goals. Registration for spring semester will begin the week of November 16.

The Senior Vice President for Student Affairs will soon be providing detailed information on housing arrangements, move-in and move-out dates, testing protocols, and state quarantine instructions. If you have any questions about Fordham’s changes to the spring 2021 calendar, please consult the University’s FAQ page.

We hope you and your families remain in good health.


Dennis C. Jacobs
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
