Kundiman – Fordham Now https://now.fordham.edu The official news site for Fordham University. Tue, 05 Mar 2019 22:11:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://now.fordham.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/favicon.png Kundiman – Fordham Now https://now.fordham.edu 32 32 232360065 At Poets Out Loud, A Range of Backgrounds and Experiences https://now.fordham.edu/arts-and-culture/at-poets-out-loud-a-range-of-backgrounds-and-experiences/ Tue, 05 Mar 2019 22:11:37 +0000 https://news.fordham.sitecare.pro/?p=115693

Heather Dubrow, Ph.D., director of Fordham’s Poets Out Loud reading series, opened the Feb. 26 event with a few meaningful words about how the organization goes about selecting its readers:

“The quality of the poetry is always the main criterion,” she told the audience, “But tonight’s reading also fulfills one of POL’s real aims: a commitment to representing a range of styles, ethnicities, and sexualities.”

Meg Day and Sharon Wang, the evening’s featured poets, embody both of those ideals—excellence of craft and a commitment to representation—in personal and unique ways.

Meg Day, whose 2014 book Last Psalm at Sea Level won the prestigious Barrow Street Press Poetry Prize, is a poet whose work is difficult to pin down in terms of style or subject. In fact, that might be the point: a self-identified member of the LGBTQ community, Day often focuses on the interstitial nature of bodies and identity. And as a deaf poet—there were two American Sign Language interpreters on hand Tuesday night—Day also tackles issues of access and interpretation.

Take, for instance, “Portrait of My Gender as Inaudible,” a new poem that Day introduced by noting: “[It] came out of my frustration with closed captioning, and the way that closed captioning is evidence of sound—but oftentimes it’s evidence of sound that people can’t hear, the irony of which is hilarious to me,” she said, referring to captions that deem something “inaudible.” The poem concludes with this almost ineffable image:

I made a photograph of my name
It was a shadow in a field and I put my shadow in it
You can’t hear me, but I’m there

Day prefaced their next poem with a brief history of the Americans with Disabilities Act, explaining that it “states that reasonable accommodation is all that the government has to provide for you if you’re disabled.” Day continued: “Reasonable accommodation is really just trying, like, ‘Well if you’re trying to provide access that’s enough, that’s reasonable.” The poem, aptly titled, “Reasonable Accommodation,” begins:

You’ve met me halfway between the door to our bedroom
And the other we know is real only because you are always gesturing, “There it is.”

The evening continued with Sharon Wang, who earned her MFA from Washington University in St. Louis and won the Kundiman Poetry Prize in 2016. Tuesday night’s reading was co-sponsored by Kundiman, an organization dedicated to cultivating Asian-American creative writing that holds its annual retreat at Fordham’s Rose Hill campus.

Wang’s work is often concerned with the natural world, the sense of touch, and loss. As Dubrow described it, “Her emphasis on what is unattainable is reflected in how often many of her titles refer to elegy, those poems of loss and death.”

Wang read both from a new collection of epistolary poems and from the book that earned her the Kundiman Prize, Republic of Mercy. The first poem she read, titled “Dear Sentient Being,” set the thematic tone for all that was to follow, with its descriptions of nature that conflate the natural world and the human body:

I want a world that clicks into place like my molars
When I wake up my teeth are worn down from the night

Wang wound down the evening with an elegy called “Mea Culpa,” a selection of which reads:

I thought I could hone my mind until intellect and emotion were a single organ
The way a snake’s motion comes from the musculature of its entire body, and when it moves
There is no part of it that has not moved.

The event was also sponsored by the FCLC Dean’s Office, the Fordham English Department, and the Axe-Houghton Foundation, with additional support from the Gerald M. Quinn Library. It was funded in part by Poets & Writers through public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council.

The next Poets Out Loud event is on Monday, April 8.

–Dane Gebauer

Asian-American Writer’s Group to Bring Programming to Campus https://now.fordham.edu/arts-and-culture/asian-american-writers-group-bring-programming-campus/ Tue, 29 Aug 2017 19:34:14 +0000 https://news.fordham.sitecare.pro/?p=77160 Each summer, after the dust settles from graduations and reunions, Fordham’s Rose Hill campus welcomes the Kundiman Retreat, contemplative programming that brings established Asian-American poets and writers together with students for master classes.

Now Kundiman, a nonprofit dedicated to the development of Asian-American literature, has signed a three-year agreement with Fordham College at Rose Hill that will bring internships, a course on The Writer’s Life, and more student-centered programming to campus.

Kundiman will arrange for six visits per year by Asian-American writers to share work, speak on Asian-American literature, and various aspects of literary nonprofit management. They will also develop a course on Asian-American literature in collaboration with the English department. The Writer’s Life course will help students learn about literary nonprofits, career, and funding opportunities for writers, as well as introduce students to the “wide ecology of literary culture in New York.”

Nine internship opportunities will also be developed that will allow students to receive hands-on instruction in communications, development, programs, editing and research. Kundiman will also host an annual community–based social justice project that will actively involve Fordham students.

Kundiman was co-founded by Sarah Gambito, associate professor of English at Fordham and director of creative writing.

“This partnership enhances the University’s reputation as a key participant in the vibrant New York literary scene and as a stronghold for multicultural cosmopolitanism and Asian-American letters,” Gambito said.

The University has also agreed to continue to host the annual five-day conference.

The retreat, which brings nationally renowned Asian-American poets to campus, provides a safe and instructive environment to address the unique challenges faced by emerging Asian-American writers. Kundiman fellows have published work in The New Yorker, The Best American Poetry, Best New Poets, and Poetry.

Since its inception in 2004, the annual poetry retreat has provided more than 200 emerging poets with a distinguished faculty and writing environment. Its public readings have brought the work of emerging and established Asian-American poets and writers to new audiences.

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