Jeffrey Gray – Fordham Now The official news site for Fordham University. Mon, 27 Jul 2020 18:55:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jeffrey Gray – Fordham Now 32 32 232360065 Reopening Update from the Office of the SVP for Student Affairs | July 27, 2020 Mon, 27 Jul 2020 18:55:32 +0000 Dear Students,

I hope you are enjoying the summer and that you and your families are doing well amid the ongoing health emergency. We are looking forward to the start of the fall semester and have been working hard to make the reopening and move-in process a success despite considerable challenges.

I am writing to share important information about the return to campus and how we will help create as safe an environment as possible. An important part of our strategy is ensuring that people are healthy when they come to school, and modifying our facilities and procedures to mitigate risk. We had hoped to communicate on these matters sooner, but the situation continues to evolve and we are waiting on further guidance from New York state that has not yet been released.

For those of you who will be on campus this fall, it is critical that we work together to ensure the health and safety of our community. We must each do our part to protect ourselves and each other. Many students have shared a preference for as normal a campus experience as possible: whether we can deliver that experience will depend upon your cooperation. Every member of the community will enter into the Ram Pledge, a compact that formalizes our shared commitment to health and safety.

As we have conveyed in prior communications, all students, faculty, and staff who plan to return to campus for any reason or any length of time will be required to be tested for COVID-19 within the 7-day period before coming to campus or entering any Fordham property.

There are two ways to satisfy this requirement:

1. You are encouraged to get tested at home, at a site of your choosing (find a nearby testing site) within 7 days prior to coming to campus. You must submit proof of testing and clearance, i.e., a negative test result. Please go to the health portal at to submit test results. If you choose not to submit your documentation online, you will be required to provide hard-copy documentation upon arrival. If you test positive, you will not be allowed to enter the campus or any Fordham building until you are no longer symptomatic and you have been cleared to return by a physician.


2. You can be tested through the University on campus at Lincoln Center and Rose Hill. You are allowed to come to campus for the limited purpose of getting tested and then cannot return to campus until you have received results. Please note that although the University has arranged for testing through a private provider and should be able to get results more quickly than public testing sites, there may be delays in obtaining results. For this reason, we recommend getting tested early in the 7-day period. The University is developing a sign-up system for scheduling testing appointments. We will let you know when it is available.

Quarantine Requirements
In the spring, New York was the epicenter of COVID-19 activity, but the state’s strict lockdown and the community’s compliance has drastically reduced the infection rate in our state and city. New York is reopening gradually and cautiously to prevent a resurgence and has instituted a quarantine requirement for individuals entering from states with significant community spread of the virus. As of this writing, all individuals entering New York from restricted states and other countries are required to self-quarantine for 14 days. This mandatory quarantine applies to everyone, including those who have tested negative for COVID-19. For more information on New York state’s quarantine requirement, please read the state’s FAQ.

Given the testing requirements noted above, all students coming from restricted states and other countries should plan adequate time both to quarantine and to get tested. Students coming from these states and other countries will need to quarantine for 14 days in locations not on the list of restricted states. After the quarantine period is completed, students will, as described above, need to get tested, either off-site or at Fordham within the 7-day period before coming to the campus or any Fordham property. As noted above, please allow time to receive your test results.

There are three possible ways to satisfy this quarantine requirement, one of which is contingent upon further guidance from New York state on accommodation requirements:

The first option is to make alternative off-site plans for quarantining. We will be providing a list of hotels in the area for your planning and scheduling purposes. This listing will come in a separate communication from the Office of Residential Life on your respective campus. You may also use other hotels, including those outside of the metropolitan area that are in any state that is not on the list of restricted states. If you choose this option, you will be required to provide hard-copy documentation upon arrival (i.e., hotel receipts, air travel receipts, etc.).  More information on submission of this documentation will be provided in upcoming communications.

The second option is to remain home and begin your classes online, until your state is removed from the restricted-state list. We understand that this may be a disappointing option for many to consider. Please be assured that we will be flexible in working with you on your plans to join Fordham’s on-campus community at whatever time in the semester this becomes a comfortable and viable option for you and your family. While we cannot guarantee a particular building or room assignment for those who choose this option, or choose to take a leave from campus housing for the fall, we will guarantee you on-campus housing, whenever you choose to return.

The third option is not yet available, as we wait on further guidance from New York state on accommodation requirements. However, if you are a student entering from a restricted state or another country and are planning to live in University housing, you may be able to quarantine in Fordham housing with assigned roommates and your room or suite will be considered a living unit under these circumstances. We understand that this option is not ideal, and is not available at this time, as it is contingent upon further guidance from New York state. Pending that decision, we must follow the instructions we have received from the New York State Department of Health, which does not allow on-campus quarantine in a way that we can accommodate at this time. We therefore encourage you to make contingency plans with one of the two options noted above that you are most comfortable with. If we receive further guidance from New York state and this situation changes, we will advise you accordingly.

A Safe Return to Campus
The health and safety of Fordham’s students, faculty, and staff remain the highest priority in our reopening plans. We have developed a series of health protocols to mitigate risk and promote the safety of the learning environment. These protocols include the following:

  • Hazard elimination, which is aimed at eliminating risk via the universal testing requirements noted above; robust screening; and contact tracing to ensure that people carrying the virus and their close contacts do not come to campus. As part of this process, you will be required to participate in a daily VitalCheck screening. Please look for an email in the coming week to enroll in the screening.
  • Personnel substitution, which focuses on limiting the number of students, faculty, and staff on the campus and in the classrooms, and accommodating vulnerable populations.
  • Engineering controls, such as improvements to HVAC systems and air circulation, to mitigate risk.
  • Administrative controls, which help protect our community with behavioral changes that promote social distancing and reshape the way we work and study.
  • Personal protective equipment, such as face coverings, which will be provided to students as a critical component of risk mitigation. Everyone will be required to wear a face covering at all times in all common, public areas, except in areas designated for eating.

For more information about the steps the University is taking to promote health and safety, please see Fordham Forward.

The Ram Pledge
Making the Fordham campus safe is a shared commitment, and so we are requiring every member of our community to take the Ram Pledge, which demonstrates that we are all working together to protect one another from COVID-19.

As a member of the Fordham community:

  • I will wear a face covering at all times on the Fordham campus, both indoors and outdoors, and when taking part in University activities off-campus (students can take face coverings off in their individual residence hall rooms);
  • I will wash my hands frequently and thoroughly (for 20 seconds, minimum), especially after contact with surfaces and items in public areas, after eating, coughing, sneezing, or wiping one’s nose;
  • I will self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms and complete daily VitalCheck screenings;
  • I will follow the directions of University officials regarding testing, screening, and quarantine (if necessary), and cooperate with the University’s contact tracing efforts, if called upon to do so;
  • I will act in the spirit of people for others, knowing that I am helping to protect the campus community from illness.

All students who will come onto the campus must sign the Ram Pledge prior to coming to campus. Failure to adhere to it will be considered a violation of the code of student conduct. More information on how to sign this pledge will be included in upcoming communications. In addition, all students will be required to complete an online COVID training program before returning to campus (that information will be available soon). Please look for this in an upcoming communication.

We know you have many questions, and we will do our very best to answer them. Thank you for your patience and your commitment to keeping our community safe. I look forward to staying in contact as we approach the fall semester.

Jeffrey L. Gray
Senior Vice President for Student Affairs

Fordham Fall Opening Plans and Campus Life Update Tue, 21 Jul 2020 18:59:57 +0000 From the Office of the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs:

Dear Members of the Fordham Community,

I hope this finds you and your family safe and well. Let me first thank you for your remarkable patience as we continue to work our way through the challenges that this situation has created for all of you and for us. We understand the disruption and stress that this has caused you, and we continue to work to identify ways that we can support you in the various facets of your lives. We have missed being on campus with you, and remain hopeful as we continue our planning for a return to campus this fall.

As we prepare for fall 2020, we have been working diligently to reimagine a safe and enriching student experience on campus. This is one of several communications that will detail our plans as they evolve in light of the changing circumstances around the coronavirus pandemic. We also have launched a Fordham Coronavirus website that will answer many of your questions and will be updated as needed.

Though the 2020-2021 academic year will be considerably different from what we’re accustomed to, the community remains at the core of who we are, and we are committed to providing a high-quality educational experience. In this message, we hope to provide answers about how campus will look and feel in the coming months. Please note that this message is focused on your campus experience, as opposed to academic or financial matters. As always, our top priority is the safety, health, and well-being of our students, faculty, staff, and neighbors.

Look for additional emails in the coming days providing additional updates as conditions—and our planning—evolve, especially for those who will have an exclusively online experience. We welcome the opportunity to discuss your specific concerns and questions.

Fall 2020 Semester
In our various discussions with you, and from surveys we have used to gather your feedback, many of you have been clear in expressing your very strong desires and hopes for a return to an on-campus, in-person experience for the fall semester. We want you to know that we share your desires, and we are doing everything we can to make this possible.

Of course, you also understand the primary caveats to which we must pay attention: (1) your health and safety, and that of those around you, which cannot be compromised by our hopes and desires; and (2) the external circumstances and guidelines that we must operate within. In this context, we have been actively planning and preparing to do all that we can to be open and on campus for the fall, with all that this entails, including the resumption of academic and student life schedules and routines and other activities.

There have been various planning groups in the Provost’s area that are focusing on the academic calendar and instructional delivery, as they try to position us and you to resume your academic life in a way that will be safe and productive. Following this effort, the University has organized several working groups each of which has many assigned objectives and tasks, and their focus includes but has not been limited to the following areas: Community Health, Well-Being and Containment (including intervention, isolation, and contact tracing); Residential Life (including move out and move in); University Health Services (including supplies, testing, immunity, staffing and PPE, vaccinations, and FUEMS); Infrastructure and Building Sanitation; Student Engagement (including Orientation, Programming, Commuter Students, and Student Life); Dining Services; Athletics; Coordination with External Agencies; and others.

As our planning advances, this situation has continued to evolve and we will continue to share information with you as we have it. We will post brief updates by end-of-business each Friday on the Fordham Coronavirus website. More information for each area is provided below.

Residential Life
Housing assignments: The University will provide housing accommodations consistent with our residence hall design capacity. Resident students will have roommates and suitemates, but there will be no oversubscription (additional assignments to individual rooms when demand exceeds normal capacity) and rooms are capped at their normal design capacity.

Safe and phased move-in: Resident students will soon receive information from the Office of Residential Life announcing a phased move-in process during which students who live within a reasonable distance from campus will be asked to schedule a time to move belongings onto campus prior to final arrival. All resident students will have extended move-in periods available to maintain prudent social distance.

Packing: We strongly recommend that you keep the personal belongings you bring to campus to a minimum. We want you to be comfortable, but we also want you to be prepared to move quickly if we find ourselves in a situation similar to last March, when circumstances beyond our control forced us to close the campus and clear out the residence halls without advanced warning.

Quarantine: Students coming from states on the New York state quarantine list should be prepared to self quarantine on or off campus for 14 days, upon arrival. We will share more about this in upcoming communications.

Visitation: All visitation and overnight guest passes for the Fall semester for all non-Fordham individuals will be suspended; residence hall visitation will be limited and capped.

Leave from housing: Resident students who do not wish to return to campus housing, for whatever reason, and would like to consider a leave from campus housing, should contact the Office of Residential Life on their campus. We will work with each student on this and their plans for return at a time when it is most comfortable for each student.

Campus Life and Activities
We are currently planning our programming, including orientation programs, around in-person and virtual components. Student clubs and organizations are busy planning programs and events for you to engage with your peers, both in person and online.

For commuter students: In addition to the library, the Student Involvement areas on each campus are planning for spaces in which commuter students can study and rest between classes and socialize in a safe manner.

Our staff members and offices have continued to maintain active virtual meeting schedules with many of our standing committees, student leaders and students. We urge you to continue to remain engaged with us as much as your schedules allow, and to share your feedback with us. Please stay in touch and let us know how we can assist you.

All of our dining venues have been modified to ensure safety and proper social distancing, including many physical changes, as well as furniture adjustments. We will provide tented areas at many venues to expand on outdoor dining options. Finally, all of our food formats and platforms have been adjusted to accommodate service requirements and safety, as required by New York state guidelines.


  • Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems will be operated 24 hours a day with maximal fresh air intake.
  • Designation of entrance and exit doors for each building to lessen crowding and congestion at those key locations.
  • Reduced capacity in elevators.
  • Directional stairwells.
  • Reduced passenger capacity of individual Ram Vans (with additional runs as necessary).
  • Handwashing and sanitizing stations.
  • All members of the community will be provided masks.

We will provide on-campus testing for students and employees.

Pre Arrival: We encourage all students to get tested at home no more than 7 days before final arrival at campus. Those who test positive at home will be asked to delay move-in/access to campus until they are no longer symptomatic and are cleared to return by their personal physicians. All students coming to campus will be required to provide proof of testing and clearance (i.e. a negative test result within the last 7 days).

Arrival: All students and employees who will be on campus will be expected to get tested prior to arrival or when they arrive, and again at an interval to be determined after classes have begun.

Ongoing: We will also conduct regular ongoing surveillance and diagnostic testing of the student and employee populations. More communication and details will follow on the testing requirements and expectations.

Daily Monitoring
We will offer and expect participation in daily surveillance monitoring through a program called Vitalcheck (which is very easy to navigate). All individuals who will be on campus will be provided with instructions in the coming days, outlining how to register and participate. Please note that commuters will need to complete VitalCheck each day to gain access to campus. Residential students who leave the campus will need to have clearance from VitalCheck to gain reentry back onto campus, and possibly more frequently when on campus. More details will follow on this.

Isolation, Quarantine and Contract Tracing

  • Students who test positive and who can go home will be expected to do so; those who cannot go home, for whatever reason, will be isolated on campus.
  • We have set aside isolation spaces on each campus, for resident students who test positive and cannot return home, for whatever reason; we will supplement these spaces as needed with off campus accommodations.
  • We have made provisions to provide ongoing support services, medical oversight through health services and food delivery to isolated students.
  • Students from distant markets and New York state identified hot spot markets, including international students, and other potential exposure cases will be asked to quarantine in their rooms when necessary and possible. We will use off campus sites for quarantine purposes, if this is needed.
  • We will engage in contact tracing to identify anyone who might have been exposed to an infected individual for long enough to have put them at risk of infection.

Expectations for Campus Life

  • We have developed policies that are specific to COVID-related expectations, which address the wearing of masks and face coverings, social distancing and gathering, on and off campus behavior and more.
  • Community members will be expected to sign a pledge that they understand and will adhere to these expectations, in their on campus and off campus behavior.
  • We will have signage and awareness campaigns in place to remind the members of our community of these expectations.
  • Every person on Fordham property is required to wear an acceptable face covering in all common, public areas and while interacting with anyone else on Fordham property. The University will provide four washable face coverings without charge to all members of the campus community.

Please keep in mind that these policies have been developed with the health, safety and welfare of everyone in our community in mind. Your on-campus experience is important to us, and we know it is important to you, and following these policies is the best way to preserve the experience you love. Not following them is the best way to compromise this experience, for you and everyone in our community.

We will continue to communicate with you as this situation continues to evolve, and we encourage you to check our website regularly.

We know you miss one another, the campus community and the experience of being together. We miss it as well, and we miss seeing and working with you. Rest assured of our continuing efforts to plan for your safe return to the campus experience we know you love. It is important for all of us to remain connected in these times. Please reach out to our offices as you have questions, and we will continue to assist you in answering them, based on the information available to us. Until we are able to be together again, please stay safe and well, and all the best to you and your families.

Thank you.

Jeffrey L. Gray
Senior Vice President for Student Affairs

Joseph A. O’Hare, S.J., Fordham’s Longest-Serving President, Dies at 89 Mon, 30 Mar 2020 19:10:26 +0000 Father O’Hare in front of the Rose Hill residence hall that bears his name. Photo by Peter FreedJoseph Aloysius O’Hare, S.J., president emeritus of Fordham, former editor in chief of America magazine, New York City civic leader, and native son of the Bronx, died on March 29 in Murray-Weigel Hall, the Jesuit nursing facility adjacent to Fordham’s Rose Hill campus. He had been in declining health since Christmas. He was 89.

Father O’Hare succeeded James C. Finlay, S.J., on July 1, 1984, to become the 31st president of Fordham University. He held that position for 19 years, making him the longest-serving president in Fordham’s history when he stepped down on June 30, 2003. His tenure marked a period of dramatic growth for Fordham: Applications soared in number; the student body grew academically stronger and more diverse; residential and academic space expanded; and the University exceeded the goal of its first comprehensive fundraising campaign, the crowning achievement of which was the creation of the William D. Walsh Family Library on the Rose Hill campus.

“Having served as Fordham’s president for some time—though not as long as Father O’Hare—I have some insight into, and a deep appreciation for, how gifted he was as a leader, a communicator, and a pastor,” said Joseph M. McShane, S.J., who succeeded Father O’Hare as president of Fordham. “He placed all of his considerable intellect, integrity, and vision in service of the University, and in doing so transformed Fordham into a powerhouse of Jesuit education. We will miss his wisdom, steady counsel, and warm wit.”

Robert D. Daleo, GABELLI ’72, chair of the University’s Board of Trustees, said the Fordham community owes Father O’Hare “a debt of gratitude for his long and singular service.”

“Father O’Hare led the University for 19 years, and despite some tough financial times, began Fordham’s rebirth as a national university,” he said.

Bronx Roots

A bit of an outsider to academia, Father O’Hare was working as the editor in chief of America, the Jesuit journal of opinion, when he was recruited for the presidency by Fordham’s Board of Trustees.

Father O'Hare with his mother and father
Father O’Hare with his mother and father

But the son of first-generation Irish Americans was hardly an outsider to Fordham, the Bronx, or to Catholic education. He was born on February 12, 1931, to Joseph, a New York City mounted police officer, and Marie, a schoolteacher, who raised their family in the close-knit Irish community of Tremont, just two miles from the Rose Hill campus. He attended Regis High School in Manhattan.

In a video tribute to Father O’Hare when he received the Fordham Founder’s Award in 2003, friends, teachers, and siblings recalled the young Joe O’Hare as a well-loved classmate with an easy demeanor, a straight-A student, and a natural storyteller.  Although his exploratory forays into theater and basketball at Regis met with success, it was the priesthood that ultimately called to him: Upon graduating from high school in 1948, he joined the Society of Jesus.

Jesuit Formation

That decision, Father O’Hare told The New York Times, was largely inspired by the work of John Corridan, S.J., and the labor priests of the 1940s New York waterfront. “It’s not an otherworldly kind of spirituality,” Father O’Hare said of the Jesuits’ active faith. “It’s the kind very geared to involvement in the present time.”

The young Jesuit-in-training was sent to the Philippines, where he earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Berchmans College in Cebu City. From 1955 to 1958 and again from 1967 to 1972, he served on the faculty at Ateneo de Manila University.

Edmundo Martinez, S.J., recalled being a student of Father O’Hare’s in the 1950s.

‘Those were heady days of youth’s idealism for the search of truth, and goodness, and beauty—ideals that rubbed off on us principally, for myself at least, from Joe O’Hare,” said Father Martinez, co-founder, chaplain, and teacher at the Ingenium School in the Philippines. “Like Socrates and his friends, we would sit around in class and discuss such topics as the medieval universities, with Joe leading us on to ever deeper levels and ever wider ranges of meaning.”

Between teaching posts, Father O’Hare returned to the United States, earning licentiate degrees in philosophy and theology in the early 1960s from Woodstock College in Maryland and a doctorate in philosophy from Fordham in 1968. He was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1961 in the Fordham University Church.

Fordham Presidency

Sixteen years after his doctoral studies, he left his post at America and was back at Fordham—this time in the Office of the President.

“He made the transition seamlessly,” said Leo O’Donovan, S.J., president emeritus of Georgetown University. “At a time of major discussion between the Vatican and American Catholic universities on the mission of Catholic education,” he said, “he was one of the foremost advocates of fidelity to both true Catholicity and true university freedom of thought and research.”

His presidency took shape just as the Bronx itself was undergoing an economic and cultural comeback from its worst period of blight. Under Father O’Hare’s leadership, Fordham experienced a comeback too. In two decades, the school’s growth exceeded national trends, moving from a school largely attended by commuters to a university with a vibrant campus life and an increasingly national and diverse student body. The number of undergraduate applicants tripled.

Father O'Hare talking with students at Rose Hill
Talking with students at Rose Hill

The school’s endowment rose from $36.5 million to $271.6 million, enabling the addition of approximately 1.1 million square feet of academic and residential space, and the renovation of more than 1 million square feet of existing space on the Lincoln Center and Rose Hill campuses. Four new residence halls were built at Rose Hill, including Millennium Hall, opened in 2000 and later renamed O’Hare Hall. The Lincoln Center campus saw the addition of its first residence—the 20-story McMahon Hall—in 1993.

Father O'Hare at a formal Fordham event with Helen Hayes, Alan Alda, and Denzel Washington
At a 1990 Fordham event at the Majestic Theater with Helen Hayes and Fordham grads Alan Alda and Denzel Washington

In 1991, the University’s sesquicentennial year, Father O’Hare announced the launch of a $150 million fundraising campaign—the largest of its kind at the time for a Jesuit university.  Nearly one-quarter of all alumni contributed, and more than two-thirds of funds raised came from individuals, many of whom had no previous connection to the University. The campaign helped to create 170 endowed scholarships as well as several new faculty chairs. Fordham surpassed its goal by $5.6 million.

One of the campaign’s many successes—and one of Father O’Hare’s outstanding legacies—was the construction of the Walsh Family Library, a world-class facility that opened in 1997 at Rose Hill and was subsequently ranked No. 6 in the country in the Princeton Review.

Robert Campbell, GABELLI ’55, former vice chairman of Johnson & Johnson who served as Fordham’s board chair during much of the 1990s, said that as a leader, Father O’Hare showed a “willingness to take risks.” He recalled Father O’Hare telling him that Fordham had been talking about building a new library for 50 years.

“He went to the board with it and they went along,” he said. “It was very symbolic, because it was tied to a major campaign and because it said Fordham’s on the move. New York was a tough place, and we were there to compete with anyone.”

Campbell said Father O’Hare’s determination was complemented by “his sincerity and his sense of humor that always came through.”

In 1997, John Cardinal O’Connor (right) blessed the William D. Walsh Family Library, then joined Father O’Hare and Mohammad Kahn (FCO ’00) for a tour of the Vatican’s website. Photo by Ken Levinson.
In 1997, John Cardinal O’Connor (right) blessed the William D. Walsh Family Library, then joined Father O’Hare and Mohammad Kahn (FCO ’00) for a tour of the Vatican’s website. Photo by Ken Levinson.

As a native New Yorker and a Jesuit committed to social justice, Father O’Hare saw great potential in a stronger unification of Fordham’s two New York City campuses, which he helped achieve through the restructuring of faculty and adoption of a shared core curriculum. He felt that each location had much to teach students.

“Fordham men and women have found in the city rich cultural resources, but also daunting moral and social challenges, soaring celebrations of the human spirit here at Lincoln Center, but also a summons to service in the neighborhoods of the Bronx. These different faces of the city engage the classical Renaissance humanism of Jesuit education, but also the new Jesuit humanism that adds to this classic ideal the urgency of education for justice,” he said at Fordham’s 160th Anniversary Dinner at the New York State Theater in 2002.

Influence and Reach

Father O’Hare’s influence extended far beyond Fordham and New York City in many ways, not least of which are the accomplishments of those who worked for him.

“In his 19 years as president, he helped mentor many Fordham colleagues into their own presidencies, including me,” said Fordham Trustee Donna Carroll, Ph.D., University secretary under Father O’Hare and current president of Dominican University in Chicago. “He said something to me once that guides me still: ‘You choose to see the limits or the possibility in Catholic higher education. What you choose determines how you lead.’”

Demonstrating a commitment to Fordham’s many Catholic traditions, Father O’Hare helped establish Fordham’s Center for American Catholic Studies, the Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs, and the Laurence J. McGinley Chair in Religion and Society, for which he recruited Avery Dulles, S.J. (before he was elevated to cardinal). He made many international trips in service to Fordham and the Jesuits, traveling to 26 countries during his presidency.

Principled Civic Leadership

Father O’Hare devoted equal time to forging Fordham’s relationships with New York City. In 1988, Mayor Edward I. Koch made him the founding chair of the New York City Campaign Finance Board, one of the nation’s groundbreaking models for campaign finance reform. So ethical was Father O’Hare’s leadership, said Mayor Koch, that the board even fined his mayoral staff for errors made in campaign contribution reporting. Father O’Hare held the position for 15 years. In late 1993, Mayor David N. Dinkins refused to reappoint Father O’Hare after the board fined the Dinkins campaign $320,000. But Mayor Rudolph Giuliani reappointed him when he took office in 1994.

“It could’ve been a nothing job if it didn’t have a superb leader willing to take on every person in politics,” said Mayor Koch. “He made the job.”

In 1988, New York City Mayor Ed Koch (right) appointed Father O’Hare the founding chair of the groundbreaking New York City Campaign Finance Board.
In 1988, New York City Mayor Ed Koch (right) appointed Father O’Hare the founding chair of the groundbreaking New York City Campaign Finance Board.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor worked with Father O’Hare as one of the Campaign Finance Board’s founding appointees.

“Father O’Hare is one of my heroes,” said Sotomayor, a Bronx native who has remained close to Fordham, receiving an honorary degree at 2014’s commencement and attending many University events. “Brilliant, witty, kind, gentle but firm, he lived his life caring and giving to so many. The nation, the city of New York, and the Bronx have lost a great man.  I have lost a friend I greatly admired but whose principles continue to guide my life.”

Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg praised Father O’Hare for his integrity.

“Father O’Hare not only began a renaissance at Fordham, he helped clean up corruption in city politics as the founding chair of the Campaign Finance Board,” Bloomberg said. “Appointing him to that post was one of Mayor Koch’s best decisions. He was scrupulously honest, fiercely independent, and never afraid to speak his mind, even when it rubbed elected officials the wrong way. Thanks to him, the city’s public matching funds program, which I was glad to expand, became a national model. In a city of legendary Irish pols, one of the very best never ran for office—but he left a mark on politics like no other.”

Mayor Koch joined several celebrities, religious leaders, and alumni to pay tribute to Father O’Hare when he received the 2003 Fordham Founder’s Award. Present were Cardinal Edward Egan; Cardinal Dulles; best-selling author and Fordham alumna Mary Higgins Clark; CBS newsman and Fordham alumnus Charles Osgood; and Fordham’s incoming 32nd president, Father McShane.

Accepting the award, Father O’Hare—a proud Irishman and humorist—characterized the ceremony.

“It’s something like an Irish wake,” he joked. “Everybody should have one before they die.”

Fordham’s Pastor

Father O’Hare was more than the University president; he was Fordham’s chief pastor and storyteller. During his tenure, he celebrated more than 7,000 Masses, including a Mass of Remembrance and Hope following the attacks on September 11, 2001, which killed three Fordham students and 36 alumni. He performed countless nuptials, burials, and baptisms for members of the Fordham community. He awarded more than 60,000 diplomas and cheered at more than 900 athletics events.

At the St. Patrick's Day Parade with Cardinal Edward Egan
At the St. Patrick’s Day Parade with Cardinal Edward Egan

John Feerick, dean emeritus of Fordham Law, recalled Father O’Hare’s pastoral and professional support.

“Father O’Hare meant everything to me when I served as dean of the Law School. He supported me in difficult moments and was always a wise counselor on academic issues and public service undertakings. We owe much to him for the success the school enjoys today,” Feerick said.

“More personally, I will always remember that he was on the altar when my parents died and 10 years later when my brother Donald died.  And how can I forget the many times we walked alongside each other in St. Patrick’s Day parades? I watched people wave and call out to him as he waved back with a smile, all while maintaining his quick stride. In everything he was insightful and brought to every occasion a wonderful sense of humor. I will greatly miss him as I had no other friend like him.”

After he stepped down as president in 2003, Father O’Hare served for one year as president of Regis High School, his alma mater. He then returned to the staff of America as associate editor, retiring in 2009. In 2015, with Fordham as a co-sponsor, the magazine established the Joseph A. O’Hare, S.J., Postgraduate Media Fellowship in his honor.

Father O'Hare with President Corazon Aquino of the Philippines
Father O’Hare with President Corazon Aquino of the Philippines

Father O’Hare was the recipient of 11 honorary degrees, including one from Fordham. He served as chairman of both the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities and the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities, a trustee of the Asia Society, and a member of the Charter Revision Commission of the City of New York, among other appointments. For his contributions to the city, he received the 1992 Civil Leadership Award from the Citizens Union of New York. Legendary New York Post columnist Jack Newfield called Father O’Hare “the conscience of campaign finance reform and walking gravitas,” ranking him 44th on a list of “New York’s 50 Most Powerful People” in 1997.

A few years before he left his post as president, Father O’Hare spoke to radio listeners about St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits: “I have always preferred the image of Ignatius the Pilgrim to Ignatius the Soldier,” he said on WFUV’s Fordham Focus on July 30, 2000. “Ignatius the Pilgrim undertook a journey to seek the will of God, searching to discern what the greater glory of God demanded of him and his companions. Such a search, of course, will always challenge the status quo. What has been and what is can never exhaust the vision of what could be and what should be.”

Father O’Hare was preceded in death by his parents; his brother, Gerard O’Hare; and his sister, Marie Scesney. He is survived by nine nieces and nephews and several great-nieces and nephews. A private burial will be held in Jesuit Cemetery, Auriesville, New York. Once the present health crisis has passed, a memorial Mass for Father O’Hare will be celebrated in the University Church. Contributions in his honor may be made to the Joseph A. O’Hare Endowed Scholarship Fund at Fordham. Notes of condolence may be mailed to his niece Claire Scesney Lundahl at 247 East 77 Street, Apt. 5C, New York, NY 10075.

Additional Tributes to Father O’Hare

The Rev. Edward A. “Monk” Molloy, C.S.C., President Emeritus, Notre Dame
Joe O’Hare was a multifaceted leader—as priest, editor, writer, and teacher.  Blessed with a great sense of humor, he was a person of vision with a strong international perspective and a deep commitment to Gospel values and human rights. He and I had some wonderful adventures together. He will be deeply missed.

The Rev. John Cecero, S.J., Provincial of the Jesuits’ USA Northeast Province
Father O’Hare was president of Fordham when I began my tenure as an assistant professor of psychology at the University. I had only known him previously through his work as editor in chief of America magazine, and despite his lofty pedigree as a widely respected intellectual, institutional chief executive, and civic leader in New York City campaign reform, he humbly and graciously welcomed me as a new Fordham Jesuit to meet with him to discuss my preliminary research interests and even to solicit some funding to support them! Joe led with insight, wit, and uncompromising loyalty to the Society of Jesus and our mission in higher education, and I will always be grateful for the inspiration that he imparted to me and to so many other Jesuits and lay colleagues at Fordham University.

Paul Guenther, FCRH ’62, Former President of Paine Webber, Former Chairman of the New York Philharmonic, and Former Chair of Fordham’s Board of Trustees
Whenever Joe O’Hare was present, there was an aura which everyone felt. He was an iconic New Yorker, a pastor, and a friend.

Tom Kane, GABELLI ’61, Retired Investment Banker, Former Fordham Board Chair
My long friendship with Father Joe O’Hare began when I joined the Fordham board as a trustee in 1986. We kept a friendly banter going between our two alma maters, Regis and Xavier high schools, throughout our time together.

In 1986, after joining the board, my wife, Judy, and I traveled to Manila for a reception hosted by a fellow trustee, Jose Fernandez, who at the time was minister of finance for the Philippines. The high point of the visit was an audience with the new president, Cory Aquino. Father Joe had been ordained at the Ateneo de Manila and so was friendly with her.  (Yes, after the meeting, we did get a Cook’s tour of the shoe collection of Imelda Marcos.)

During the visit, Father O’Hare issued an invitation for President Aquino to visit Fordham while in New York for the opening of the U.N. in September. She graciously accepted.

With the ascension of Mrs. Aquino to the presidency, Philippine nationalism in the world became renowned. On September 22, 1986, Fordham held a special convocation in honor of President Aquino’s visit to Rose Hill. She was presented with an honorary doctorate.

Edwards Parade was packed with Filipinos and Filipino Americans numbering in the thousands and bedecked with yellow ribbons and scarves. The press estimated the crowd at 5,000. When they spotted President Aquino, they went wild with celebration and chanted her name—Cory, Cory! The air was electric.

Gathering himself for a few moments, Father O’Hare then began his remarks in fluent Tagalog, and spoke for over five minutes before switching over to English. To say the crowd went wild with emotion at Joe’s linguistic gesture would be a massive understatement.

Jeffrey Gray, Fordham’s Senior Vice President for Student Affairs

Tall with broad shoulders and a gray mane, regal and striking in appearance, Father O’Hare was a towering figure on campus, in the world of New York City politics, and in the Society of Jesus globally. Anyone who met Joe O’Hare was left with the impression that he could carry the world on his shoulders.  A man of unmatched intellect, and personal and professional substance and depth, he was a confident, independent, deep-thinking, and fearless leader who never backed down from a challenge or a challenger. He was a proud New Yorker and man of great loyalty, with a mischievous streak and well developed, wry sense of humor.

Brian Byrne, Former Vice President for Fordham’s Lincoln Center Campus

Father O’Hare grew in his role as University president over his long tenure and in turn grew those who worked closely with him. He had an astonishingly flexible intellect, mastering not only the nuances of the academic world but also the game of politics in his tenure as the first chair of the New York City Campaign Finance Board and president of the Commission of Independent Colleges and Universities.

As a Jesuit priest, however, he always kept his priorities in order. I remember a critical visit to the Albany power brokers with other university presidents which was delayed because Father O’Hare had promised to say Mass in a local parish. He was a student of the ironic in life, frequently noting his tendency to tell the world how it should behave yet remaining firm in his commitment to advance fairness and civility.

Bruno M. Santonocito, Former Fordham Vice President for Development and University Relations

Father O’Hare’s 19-year presidency set in motion some of the foundational steps that have led to the extraordinary success Fordham University enjoys today. He revitalized and reengaged the alumni community’s commitment to Fordham. He spent numerous hours with alumni either individually or at small gatherings or when giving his state of the University message to the various alumni chapters around the country and abroad. Through these activities, Father was able to recruit an active and involved Board of Trustees who were critical to the successful completion of the Fordham University Campaign in our sesquicentennial year.

He loved rubbing shoulders with our graduates who talked about him affectionately as “the priest from central casting.” And when he was with our alumni what was always on display was his charm and graciousness, his warmth, quick wit, sense of humor and mastery of the good joke and the good story. Father had style, delivery, and timing!

Finally, he had loyalty to and affection for all his vice presidents. In spite of that, he could not resist telling alumni that like a herd of elephants or a gaggle of geese, he had a “confusion” of vice presidents.

Simply put, Father O’Hare was the right man at the right time for Fordham and I feel privileged to have shared a good part of his tenure at his side.

Dorothy Marinucci, Associate Vice President for Presidential Operations

There was a brilliant Jesuit, Father John Donohue, S.J., who worked for many years as an associate editor at America magazine.  He was a good friend of Father O’Hare.  Whenever you visited Father Donohue as you were leaving he would say, “safe home.”  I know Father O’Hare particularly liked this phrase.  I know no more fitting tribute than to quote Father Donohue and say, “Safe home, JO’H.”

Nicole A. Gordon, Faculty Director of the CUNY Baruch College Executive M.P.A. program and Distinguished Lecturer of Public Affairs; Founding Executive Director of New York City’s Campaign Finance Board

Father O’Hare was the inspired choice of Mayor Ed Koch to be the founding chair of the pioneer New York City Campaign Finance Board in 1988.

The public record truly speaks for itself, including the many times when our board chair had to face off against powerful interests. Each time, Father O’Hare challenged efforts to intimidate and undermine the board, and in each instance, he prevailed. These occasions included attempts by elected officials to replace him as chair, to move the board’s offices to uninhabitable quarters, to stop valid matching funds checks to candidates, and to stack the board with a new member in the midst of public hearings on apparent (and, later, confirmed) substantial violations of the campaign finance law.

One wonderful exchange–among many on TV–was aired when a candidate’s spokesperson described how he had hired the most prominent law firm in the City to fight the CFB. Father O’Hare responded, “So, sue me!”.

Working closely with him, as I was privileged to do for some 15 years, was an experience next to none. As a leader of troops, Father O’Hare’s sharp intelligence, political acumen, crushing wit, unquestionable loyalty, and (literally) priestly status gave us daily lessons on how to operate in public and in private, especially when the job is to be independent and fair in a volatile arena and without natural allies.

Would that we had him with us now.


Fordham President Emeritus O’Hare Receives Civic Honor Fri, 22 Apr 2016 15:28:56 +0000 Father Joseph O’Hare, SJ, center, with Rose Gill Hearn, left, and Frederick A.O. Schwarz Jr., right.One of the great civic contributions that Fordham President Emeritus Joseph A. O’Hare, SJ, made to the city was helping define and shape the New York City Campaign Finance Board. Father O’Hare served as the agency’s founding board chair from 1988 to 2003, having been appointed by Mayor Edward Koch.

On April 14, the board recognized Father O’Hare’s many contributions with a ceremony and naming of its boardroom at 100 Church Street.

More than 150 people were on hand for the ceremonial naming of the Joseph A. O’Hare S.J. Boardroom, among them Fordham colleagues Jeffrey Gray, senior vice president for student affairs; Brian Byrne, vice president for Lincoln Center; and John Feerick, Sidney C. Norris Professor in Public Service at Fordham Law School and former law school dean.

Rose Gill Hearn, chair of the board, said that Father O’Hare’s imprint is still on the agency today “through his integrity, fairness, and intelligence.”

“The CFB continues to benefit from his dedication, because of the respect and admiration Father O’Hare’s name elicits from everyone who knows him,” she said.

Although the board’s first executive director Nicole Gordon said she had written extensively on what makes an effective campaign finance program, “at the end of the day it’s about the individuals who serve. They have to be people of conviction and integrity. That’s what Father O’Hare established here.”

Former board chair Frederick A.O. Schwarz Jr. called Father O’Hare a “precursor to Pope Francis. “He couples a faith with an equal faith in the potential of human beings.”

During Father O’Hare’s tenure as board chair, the CFB developed a reputation as an agency where ethics were held to the highest standard; the board even fined its creator Mayor Koch’s own staff for errors that were made in campaign contribution reporting.

