Ignatian Heritage – Fordham Now https://now.fordham.edu The official news site for Fordham University. Wed, 10 Oct 2018 20:43:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://now.fordham.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/favicon.png Ignatian Heritage – Fordham Now https://now.fordham.edu 32 32 232360065 Fordham Community Reflects Together on What Matters Most https://now.fordham.edu/living-the-mission/fordham-community-reflects-together-on-what-matters-most/ Wed, 10 Oct 2018 20:43:46 +0000 https://news.fordham.sitecare.pro/?p=105849 In the midst of all the hubbub of the fall semester, members of the Fordham community came together on Oct. 4 to reflect on matters deeper than the daily grind.

“What Matters to Me (and Why),” a series of lunch-time discussions held at the Lincoln Center, Rose Hill, and Westchester campuses, was part of the programming tied to Ignatian Heritage Week.

For Anne Fernald, Ph.D., special advisor to the provost for faculty development, and Debra McPhee, Ph.D., dean of the Graduate School of Social Service, their talk at the Lincoln Center Campus centered on three Cs: contribution, community, and change.

The Three Cs

They kicked off the afternoon by asking the audience how they contribute to their community. McPhee noted that recent studies show that the feeling of making a tangible contribution to society has a greater effect on people’s happiness than any other variable.

“It’s kind of a shocking thing, right? You’d think it’d be health or money, or something like family. But it’s really contribution that was the most significant element, whether the person is in the workplace or out of the workplace,” she said.

“It resonates with both me and Anne in terms of what drives us to be in the profession we’re in, and the work we do at Fordham.”

Of course, the concept of the community that one might contribute to has changed radically in recent years. Fernald recounted how she’d reunited this summer with a friend she hadn’t seen in 20 years. The meeting only happened because they realized, via Facebook, that they were going to be visiting the same upstate New York region at the same time.

Her friend was dropping her son off at a camp for trampoline enthusiasts. He had developed a passion for the activity, and bonded over it with other campers, via videos of their exploits shared on Instagram. Up until that point, though, he’d never met them person.

“When he got out of the car, she said it was amazing. There were a dozen other 14-year-old boys who saw him, and said ‘Emmitt’s here!’ And they all enveloped him in this giant hug, and then went over the trampoline to show each other their flips in person.” Fernald said.

“So, when we think about community for our students, it’s not the same kind of community that’s anything like what any of us grew up in.”

Beware the Temptation to Restrict Your Circle

McPhee said a major challenge for older generations is appreciating the positive aspects of online life while acknowledging the pitfalls. Older generations’ conceptions of community were constrained by geography, and were therefore more limited, whereas young people can be pickier and limit their circle to say, only fellow teenage male trampoline enthusiasts. There is a potential downside to this, she said.

“When you can pick from the whole world, most are going to pick those that are like you, as opposed to those that are different. So do we navigate that difference better because we have a more global perspective, or do we actually restrict ourselves because we just sing to the choir and go to the people who are interested in what we’re interested in? I don’t know that we have an answer to that,” she said.

Embrace Change

All of this leads to the third C, which is change. Long gone are the days when educators are the keepers of information, said McPhee.

“My students can Google anything I’m going to tell them before they walk into a classroom, so what does that do to the nature of what we’re doing? That “sage on the stage” bit gets challenged quite a bit in terms of what it means for the entire institution, how we react to teach other, how we see our own jobs, and how we see change.”

That, said Fernald, is why the class environment is more important than ever: She challenged everyone to imagine ways to make the classroom an occasion for students to imagine themselves as each other’s colleagues in learning. Both acknowledged how easy it is to accept the narrative that says that anyone under 30 is not engaged in the world, is not a critical thinker, and is not engaged in community. It’s a narrative that should be rejected.

“Those in charge of the education need to bring their whole self to it, and say ‘This is hard for me, it doesn’t resonate with me, but I need to look at the gap. I need to look at the difference,” McPhee said.

“The current challenge in front of us is, how we engage that narrative, and how we engage the change that’s right in front of us.”

It was a day of reflection for staff, faculty and students throughout the Fordham community. Dorothy Marinucci, associate vice president for presidential operations, and John Kezel, Ph.D., director of the Office of Prestigious Fellowships, hosted a What Matters to Me luncheon at the Rose Hill campus. Stephen McGowan, recruiter and admissions associate at the Graduate School of Social Service, and Joan Cavanagh, Ph.D., director of spiritual and pastoral ministries in the Office of Campus Ministry, hosted one at the Westchester campus.

Rose Hill Campus Celebrates Ignatian Heritage Week, Nov. 16 – 22 https://now.fordham.edu/university-news/rose-hill-campus-celebrates-ignatian-heritage-week-nov-16-22-2/ Thu, 06 Nov 2003 15:44:42 +0000 http://news.fordham.sitecare.pro/?p=36885 ROSE HILL CAMPUS CELEBRATES UNIVERSITY’S JESUIT TRADITION
Contact: Ryan Thompson
(212) 636-6538
[email protected]

NEW YORK – Fordham will host the fourth annual Ignatian Heritage Week to promote the University’s Jesuit and Catholic identity and celebrate its distinct tradition of education, from Nov. 16 through 22, on the Rose Hill campus in the Bronx.

Initiated in 2000, Ignatian Heritage Week consists of a series of programs, discussions and activities intended to help Fordham students examine the life and work of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus. In addition to this month’s celebration, the Lincoln Center campus will sponsor a week’s worth of Ig-natian-themed events during the spring semester, January 25 through 31.

Throughout the week, there will be discussions on topics such as “Jesuits and Art in Asia” and “The Transforming Value of Service.” In addition, an open-mic night, a Jesuits vs. students kickball game and other activities will help Ford-ham students become better acquainted with members of the University’s Jesuit community.


NOV. 16-22



Schedule of Events:
Click Here to Download a Printable PDF Schedule

Sunday Evening, Nov. 16th:
Celebration of the Eucharist with Joseph M. McShane, S.J
Reflecting on Our Jesuit Heritage “

Keating 1st 9pm
Ice Cream Social Immediately Following

Monday, Nov. 17th:
“Breakfast with President McShane “
President’s Office 8-9:30am
“Standing for the Unborn”
Presentation by John Conley, S.J. & Lorraine Gariboldi, Post-Abortion Counselor
Flom Auditorium 1-2:30

“Philosophy of Jesuit Education”
Lecture by Kevin Burke, S.J.
Respondent Dr. Mary Beth Combs
Flom Auditorium 7:30 – 9:00pm

Tuesday, Nov. 18th:
“Jesuits and Art in Asia”
Reflections with Henry Bertels, S.J.
Walsh Library, O’Hare Special Collections Room 12-2pm

Bill O’Malley, S.J. speaks on Human Sexuality
McGinley 234 7:30-9:00pm
“Candlelight Meditation”
Church Basement 10:05pm

Wednesday, Nov. 19th:
Jesuit Ministries Apart from Education:
Apostleship of Prayer and Christian Life Communities

Dan Fitzpatrick, S.J. & Jim Kubicki, S.J.
Faculty Lounge 2:30 – 4:30
“Open Mic Night” at Spellman Hall
with three generations of Jesuits

Spellman Hall 8 – 9:30

Thursday, Nov. 20th:
Thanksgiving Lunch & Decorating Party
Murray Weigel Hall 1-2:30
Joe Koterski, S.J. presents “Living the Examen”
Bishops Lounge 7-8:30

Coffee House: An Evening of Music and Conversation
Ciszek Hall 8-10pm (2502 Belmont Ave.)

Friday, Nov. 21st:
“The Transforming Value of Service”
with Kathleen Haser, Director of JVC: East
Followed by Post Grad Volunteer Fair,
Faculty Lounge 2-4:30
“Praise and Worship “
University Church Basement 4:00-5:00

Saturday, Nov. 22nd:
Kickball! Students vs. Jesuits
“Creating a Culture of Peace”
Dan Berrigan, S.J.,
O’Keefe Commons 7-9pm
Interfaith Candlelight Vigil immediately following in Finlay Gardens

Fantastic Food Served At All Events of Ignatian Week
